During 2017, members of APA and APHA will use the Planners4Health Initiative grant as a springboard to develop a long term plan that extends beyond the 6-month timeline.
The following seven deliverables provide a glimpse into the transformative vision for collaboration between California planners and public health professionals. 1. Asset Mapping (determining baselines)—this phase will help understand what we already have. We will use this information as a tool to identify potential gaps and opportunities for expanding our reach within and outside the Chapter. 2. Forming a core Planners4Health Coalition—the asset mapping exercise will help identify key stakeholders and the biggest champions in the healthy communities movement in California that could form the coalition. 3. Organize Planners4Health convening(s)--this component can be done in conjunction with existing state conferences organized by APA California and/or APHA (north and south). The intention is to convene the Plannner4Health face to face. 4. Developing a strategic plan— based upon the Plan4Health curriculum and findings from the asset mapping, the Task Force will be responsible for developing a statewide Planners4Health strategic plan which would include a vision, mission, objectives, activities, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 5. Deploy activities from the strategic plan—this phase will be the most arduous. It will depend on our ability to leverage our existing resources and finding additional funding to implement our ambitious agenda to ensure that every planner in the state of California can call her/himself a Planner4Health. Activities may include training sessions on healthy communities leadership, the social determinants of health, planning 101 for the public health professionals, etc. 6. Evaluation—this component will be essential at every step of the way as it will help us check our levels of success. 7. Marketing component—In order to maximize our success, APA California will create a robust marketing plan as the means to transform our profession. We envision health as a primary lens in our profession and marketing will help us accelerate this paradigm shift. Some of the tools may include the development of a website, a newsletter, webinar series, etc. |